Thursday, June 16, 2005


CSS Basic
CSS Introduction
CSS Syntax
CSS How To
CSS Background
CSS Text
CSS Font
CSS Border
CSS Margin
CSS Padding
CSS List

CSS Advanced
CSS Dimension
CSS Classification
CSS Positioning
CSS Pseudo-class
CSS Pseudo-element
CSS Media Types

CSS Examples
CSS Quiz
CSS Exam

CSS2 Reference
CSS2 Print
CSS2 Aural
CSS Units
CSS Colors
CSS Colorvalues
CSS Colornames

Selected Reading
Web Statistics
Web Glossary
Web Hosting
Web Quality

The top property

The top property specifies the top edge of an element.

Note: If the "position" property has a value of "static", the "top" property has no effect.

Inherited: No

This example sets the top edge of the paragraph 20 px below the top edge of the window:
position: absolute;
top: 20px

This example sets the top edge of the paragraph 20 px above the top edge of the window:
position: absolute;
top: -20px
Possible Values
Value Description NN IE
auto Lets the browser calculate the top position 4.0
% Sets the top position in % from the top edge of the window 4.0
length Sets the top position in px, cm, etc. from the top edge of the window. Negative values are allowed 4.0 4.0

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The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks

"The most complete question-and-answer book on CSS"

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This is the most complete question-and-answer book on CSS, with over 100 tutorials that'll show you how to gain more control over the appearance of your Web page fonts, create sophisticated Web page navigation controls, design for alternative browsing devices including smart phones and screen readers for the blind, and much more.

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Monday, June 13, 2005

Wacko Jacko not so wacko afterall


n one of the more publicized legal battles of the century Michael Jackson has been found not guilty on all ten counts against him. Ranging from lude acts on a child to supplying alcohol to a minor for the purposes of a felony. I say way to go Michael I knew you would beat it.

This is only a test

I decided to create a second blog simply to test and create a new design for eatthegoat